1.2.2018 HOT LEGS

Very Proud of these three for completing the New Years Day “MARATHON ROW”.  42,195 meters each!!!! Great Job….. Talise, Nate and Hayley. You don’t even look tired after 3 plus hours of rowing.

Warm-up: 2 Rounds of 10 each Partner Wallball, Side Toss, and Sit-ups. Dynamic Stretch. 

Strength: Front Squat
3 Reps EMOM for 8 min.
Start at 40% and build to 80% of your 1RM by the 8th min.


Start where you want then stay in order.
3 min. Max Effort Row for Calorie
Rest 2 Min.
3 min. Max Effort Wallball 20/14
Rest 2 Min.
3 min. Max Effort Box Jump 24/20
Rest 2 min.
3 min. Max Effort Bike for Calorie
Score is total Reps and Calories

Icing: 20 HSPU

FYI: Clean Eating Challenge 2019.1, (CEC19.1), will kick off January 14th. Next week we will start to provide the details. FACT: “80% of fitness is what you put in your mouth.”