5.28.2024 POWER HOUR

Alyssa – ice cream expert.

Tami and I want to thank everyone that participated in, and helped to put on MURPH last Saturday. It was a trememdous event with 63 athletes doing the workout.  Everyone worked very hard and many great performances were turned in.  Thank you to Angela for the Cringle and Fruit Salad, Mabon for the Pumpkin Bread and Nina a Fruit Salad.  Thanks to Bill and Toots for manning the Grill.  That is a job!!! The Food was outstanding.  Thank You Michael for bringing the Sauna and the Ice Bath.  What a treat to take a Sauna after the workout. Michael, are very much appreciated by everyone at the box. Thanks Nate and Mt. Parks for letting us use the Grill.  That thing is a monster.  Thank you Gretta for bringing the large serving table.  And, Thank you Kyle, Tori, Carrie, Lizzy and Tami for taking the time to tabulate the money in the HERO WOD JAR.  Thank you everyone for the tremendous generosity towards the HERO WOD JAR.  We will be able to give very generous donations to several groups this year.


Row 1k or Run 800m
Dynamic Stretch

20 min. to Complete OTG
Clean & Jerk Accessory Work
Strict Press (5)2
Push Jerk (3)4
Clean Panda Pull (5)3
Panda Pull / Power Clean (3)5


For Time:
50 Clean and Jerk 135/95
Start with and on the minute perform 6 T2B / Scale with Roll-ups

Our last week to focus on Muscle-up progressions.
KOT – Jefferson Curl 20 Reps