The “Energizer Bunny”.
Bike or Row 5 min. Increase your tempo each minute.
2 Rounds of CINDY
Dynamic Stretch
Front Squat
(8)2 Two counts on decent
(6)2 Three counts on decent
(4)2 Four counts on decent
Only build weight if you can stay disciplined on the decent.
With a Partner
20 min. AMRAP
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
Partition the workout with your partner as you wish.
The partner who is not doing CINDY must accumulate as many calories on the Bike as possible.
There are 2 scores for this workout….Total Reps of CINDY and total Calories accumulated on the bike.
KOT – Nordic 10 Reps
Get 20 ft of Handstand Walking accomplished or 2 min. of Handstand hold on the wall