6 min. AMRAP
5 Ring Swings, 10 Goblet Squats, 15 KB Swings
Dynamic Stretch
3 EMOM for 7 min.
Build weight
For Time:
5 Rounds
20 Calorie Bike
15 Slamball 40/30
10 Alternating Pistols (R+L=2)
KOT – Reverse Step-ups 20 Reps each leg.
Stand Firm CrossFit Cup participants…We are off to a great start with the 1st of three workouts in the books. Everyone did such a great job during the before, during and after the workout. Attendence at “FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS” was outstanding. Thank you to everyone who took a turn at judging. This week the theme is “USA PATRIOT”. To score theme points for your team it must “CLEAR AND OBVIOUS“ that your are wearing some patriotic clothing.
The deadline for your updated BIO, PHOTOS, and STATS on your CrossFit OPEN page is noon on Sunday, March 9th. Please spend a few minutes writing a paragraph or 2 about your CrossFit Journey. Fill in as many STATS as you can and upload some cool pics that help tell your story. There are a lot of points at stake so help your team out as much as you can.