24.1 Theme…..Here is the ORIGINAL. 25 Points to anyone who wears this t-shirt.
Today marks the start of the 2024 CrossFit OPEN. The OPEN is the largest athletic competition in the world. If you registered for the OPEN you are part of the largest athletic competition in the world. This is the 1st step for everyone who wants to compete in the CrossFit Games. You will actually be doing the same workouts that the elite CrossFitters are doing as they take on the qualifing process. The workouts are always challenging and will take you to your limit. The feeling of accomplishment at the conclusion of the workouts is awesome.
Congratulations on stepping outside your comfort zone to take on this challenge.
Step 1 – Come in the box and sign-up for a time and lane to do your workout. Do this on the Whiteboard and please use the correct color according the the level of workout that you are going to do. RED-RX, GREEN-SCALED and PURPLE-FOUNDATIONS
Step 2 – Review very carefully the movement standards and the weights the you will use in this workout.
Step 3 – Fill out a Scoresheet (red bucket)
Step 4 – Start your Warm-up at least 15 minutes prior to your GO TIME.
Step 5 – Report to your lane with your scoresheet in hand.
Step 6 – Review with your Judge what your DB weight is and ask any questions have.
Step 7 – Upon completion of your workout, verify the score that your Judge has for you, take the scoresheet to the white bucket, cut off the bottom, leave the top in the bucket and take the bottom with you.
Step 8 – Submit your score by scanning the QR Code on the scoresheet, this will take you to games web page/your profile page where you can sumbit your score.
Step 9 – Take a turn judging a workout.
Row or Bike for 5 min.
Dynamic Stretch
3 Rounds of 10 Deadlift, 5 Calorie Push Pull
Dynamic Stretch
3-2-1 Reps of
DB Snatch
Lateral Burpee over DB
WOD: CrossFit OPEN 24.1
For time:
21 DB Snatches arm 1
21 Lateral DB Burpees
21 DB Snatches arm 2
21 Lateral DB Burpees
15 DB Snatches arm 1
15 Lateral DB Burpees
15 DB Snatches arm 2
15 Lateral DB Burpees
9 DB Snatches arm 1
9 Lateral DB Burpees
9 DB Snatches arm 2
9 Lateral DB Burpees
Time cap: 15 minutes
RX 50/35 55+ 35/20 14 to 15 35/20
Scaled 35/20 55+ 20/10 14 to 15 20/10
Great Tips..Watch this and you will be more prepared for 24.1