Less than 2 weeks away.

We will be doing the Hero WOD “Murph” on Saturday morning,  the 27th of May.  We will post the schedule for that morning in a couple days.  We ask that you sign-up on the whiteboard in the front room if you plan on participating on that morning.  Our tradition is to do the workout, put $20 dollars in the Hero WOD Jar and we will feed you an amazing breakfast. So, we need to have some numbers so that we know how much food to buy. 

3 Rounds of 10 Each w/barbell
Deadlift, Hang Clean, Front Squat, S2OH
Dynamic Stretch

3 Position Squat Clean (Bottom to Top)
2 Reps EMOM for 4 min.
1 Reps EMOM for 4 min.


For Time:

2 Rounds
15 Clusters 115/75
30 Box Jumps 24/20

Start with, and perform 3 Burpee Over the Bar and Back on the minute. When the clock sounds on the minute, you must perform 3 Burpee Over the Bar and Back no matter which of the two movements you are on.
The Burpee Over the Bar and Back is performed by doing a Burpee parallel to the bar, then jumping over the bar and back, (a skier jumps), then perform the next burpee. All burpees are performed on the same side of the bar. Remember that you must jump over and back on the last burpee to complete the rep.

Time Cap: 20 min.

Your 1% in 2 min.
KOT – Tib Raises w/band 2 Reps each leg.
Deadhang for 90 sec.
Couch stretch for 2 min. each leg.