Jog the box 4 min. w/footwork.
Walking Dynamic Stretch
SDLHP 4 Reps EMOM for 4 min.
Power Clean 4 Reps EMOM for 4 min.
S2OH 3 Reps EMOM for 4 min.
Build weight as you move through these 12 minutes. You should finish with the weight you intend to use for the workout.
EMOM for 16 min.
EVEN min. – Row 10/8 Calories
ODD min. – 4 Clean & Jerk 155/105
Total Reps possible reps for Men is 112 and for Women is 96. Your score is the last rep completed while keeping up with the clock. If you fall behind the clock reduce the weight or the rep count and keep going through the 16th min.
Calf Raises on Slant Board 20 Reps each leg.