Stand Firm CrossFit is not able to open this week. I was told by a Grand County Commissioner Merrit Linke that information would be released by the end of this week as to how Grand County intends to allow us to re-open. Merrit, wants to get the county going. If you feel that it is time to get the ball rolling you might want to call one of the commissioners or your town mayor. You might post on one of the Grand County Facebook pages. We need to apply some pressure.
Where is the logic that you can go into City Market, or the hardware store, or the liquor store along with several hundred other people during the course of the day. The place probably has not been cleaned, everyone is touching the merchandise, boxes are coming off trucks from who knows where, that were handled by who knows who. And that’s OK!!!!
But we cannot have our classes, which are held in a very controlled environment, where on average about 50 people a day attend, where we know exactly who attends, where we wipe down all the equipment hour after hour, where we are all very healthy.
Why do counties like Weld, Larimer, Eagle and Mesa county, all of whom had many more cases than Grand County get to open sooner?
This insanity must be brought to an end!!!!!!!!!
Warm-up: Get your heart rate up with a short jog followed by some air squats and some KB Swings. Spend at least 5 min. on some dynamic stretching.
WOD: At Home WOD 4.27.20
For Time:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of
KB Swing / 100m Farmers Carry / Goblet Squat
Start out performing 10 KB Swings then 100m Farmers Carry then 10 Goblet Squats. Continue through the rep scheme described above. In the end you will have completed 55 reps of KB Swing and Goblet Squat along with 10 100m Farmers Carry.