4.2.2020 AT HOME WOD

Warm-up: Run 800 meters: mix in high knees, karaokes, butt kicks, broad jumps, side shuffles etc.

Shoulder Touches: 25 touches each shoulder.
Dynamic Stretch  (Sub a broom handle for PVC)

WOD:  At Home WOD

Tabata (work 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds) for total reps.
Use the three exercises below and alternate in between your 10 second rest period. Score is determined with total amount of reps completed during the completed Tabata time duration.
1.) Burpees-
2.) Table top toe touches
3.) Air squats
Below is a link for a Tabata time clock with instructions when to work and when to rest.

Tomorrow CrossFit will release the 1st of three workouts for the Support Your Box Event”.  If you want to participate Click HERE to sign up.

Here is who’s in.

The workouts will be designed for everyone to do at home, and the cost is up to you.  You don’t have to pay a thing to be part of this event.  Is that a deal or what.  We may even come up with a way to workout together.