4.1.2020 AT HOME WOD


Hi, StandFirm community! This is Manny and Michelle, and we wanted to take a minute to say thank you for allowing us to step up and become the next Stand Firm CrossFit coaches/owners! We are very excited and humbled to share this journey with you all.

We know Cal and Tami are extraordinary leaders, coaches, athletes, and friends to all of us. We will strive to do our best for every athlete through this transition and greatly appreciate all the help we continue to receive. Thank you, Matt and Nate, and all of the cleaning crew for your support! Michelle and I are looking forward to working with you all and appreciated your hard work and time. To everyone, we are always open to suggestions, feedback, and ideas. We are fortunate to be a part of this community, and we want to keep this amazing CrossFit family going. Hopefully, we can open the doors again soon and know that we miss you all – god bless!

Warm-up: 30 Seconds each movement! 
Jumping Jacks (30 sec.)
Side Lunges (30 sec.)
Inch Worms  (30 sec)

Body Weight WOD:

18 min. AMRAP
Complete the following Rep Scheme during the course of the 18 min. of work.
1 Lunge (R+L=1)
1 Bench Dip
1 Bent Over Row
20 Double Unders or 30 Singles or 15 Jumping Jacks
2 Lunge (R+L=1)
2 Bench Dip
2 Bent Over Row
20 Double Unders or 30 Singles or 15 Jumping Jacks
3 Lunge (R+L=1)
3 Bench Dip
3 Bent Over Row
20 Double Unders or 30 Singles or 15 Jumping Jacks
Continue to add 1 rep each time you cycle through a round.

Note the round you finished in for your score.


ABS: 20 Seconds each movement
1.)Knee to elbow crunches
2.)Flutter Kicks
3.)Russian twist