3.13.2020 AGOQ Event 3

Stand Firm CrossFit is adopting the following protocols regarding the COVID19 outbreak.  Please read the following and make adjustments accordingly. We will be adhering to these protocols until further notice.

  1. Wash your hands before entering the gym area.
  2. Throw your wash towel in the hamper, don’t re-use them.
  3. Wipe down equipment prior to and after using it. This includes wiping down plates.
  4. Chalk will no longer be provided.  You can buy liquid chalk on line for yourself if need be. Click HERE to check out Friction Labs Chalk.
  5. If you are sick please stay home.
  6. If you come into contact with someone who is infected please avoid the gym for at least 2 weeks.
  7. If you travel by airplane or cruise ship please do not return to the gym for 2 weeks after your travels.
  8. We will not accept “drop-ins” until further notice.
  9. If, because of the above items you are not able to come in, we will put your membership on hold until you return.

Warm-up: Coaches Choice

Strength: SDLHP
4 Reps EMOM for 8 min.
Build Weight


For time:
100 Alt. DB Snatches
50 Cal. Row
100 Bar Facing Burpees
Time cap: 20 minutes
Ages 16-17 and 35-54:
♀ 35#
♂ 50#
Ages 14-15 and 55+:
♀ 20#
♂ 35#

Icing:  Shoulder Mobility