Maria Tiff
Click HERE to read about Stand Firm CrossFit’s newest “Featured Athletes”.
Warm-up: 6 min. AMRAP – 100 Clicks, 20 Cal Bike, 15 Push Press w/Barbell
Strength: Push Press
Wave 1 – 6/50 4/55 3/60
Wave 2 – 6/55 4/60 3/65
Wave 3 – 6/60 4/65 3/70
For Time:
100 Double Unders
1000m Row
75 Wallball 20/14
1000m Row
100 Double Unders
Icing: Tabata Push-ups and Hollow Rocks
CEC20.1 Participants the Final Bonus Point opportunity is a SFXF Diaper Drive for Magic. Mary is really just days away from having her little one. So, here is how it works….. You will earn 1 Bonus Point for every 10 diapers up to 15 points, or 1 Bonus Point for every 100 wipes up to 15 points. If you bring in more than 150 diapers/ or /1500 wipes, (which would be awesome), you still top out at 15 points.