Allie, Gay, Angie and John

Warm-up: Row 30 Calories, “Iron Scap”.  Dynamic Stretch


Death by Strict Press 75/55
Rest 1 Minute.
Death by Push Press 95/65
Rest 1 Minute.
Death by Push Jerk 115/75
(Thanks CrossFit Watchtower)
Go as far as you can with each movement. Adding one rep with each passing minute.  When you washout on strict press you add weight, rest 1 min. and start a new Death By doing push press.
Your score is the total number of completed minutes when you can’t keep up on push jerks.
This will get tough, you must push yourself hard or you will be done very early.
No Strength today we will get plenty of lifting in the WOD.  Do some skill work with time remaining.