2.1.2019 SHAZAAM

The “DOOR” is filling up.  Several of you have already accomplished a goal you set for yourself. “AWESOME”.  If you have not put up your fitness goals please get it accomplished.  When you set goals you give yourself so much more direction.  GOALS are such a big key to motivation and motivation leads to improvement, improvement so matter how small leads to accomplishment, accomplishment leads to success.  No goals…no motivation…no motivation…no improvement…no improvement…no accomplishment…no accomplishment…no success.  When you write goals  down you increase the success rate a bunch and when you write them down publicly you really improve your success rate. The next step is to bring a coach or a fellow CrossFitter along side to help you, and hold you accountable. We are here and your peers are here to help you.  ASK!!!!

Warm-up: Run, Row or Ride 5 min. Group Agility. “Iron Scap”. Dynamic Stretch on your own.

Strength: Athletes Choice
Choose the lift of your choice and get that heavy single you have been working towards. We had a lot of new numbers the past two weeks.  Or you can take this time to do some skill work on something that needs attention.


For Time:
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps of
OH Squat 115/75
35 Double Unders after each round of squats.

Icing: 50 GHD Sit-ups

Clean Eaters!!!!….. Make sure you look at the WOD page Sunday, (2.3), for Week 4 CEC19.1 instructions.