12.10.2018 KRIS KRINGLED

Warm-up: “Iron Scap”, BBWU4C. 3 Sets of 6 Tall Jerk w/BB.

Strength: Clean and Jerk
3 Reps EMOM for 5 min.
2 Reps EMOM for 5 min.
Build Weight during the 10 min.


For Time:
10 Rounds
5 Clean & Jerk 125/85
20 Skier Jumps
10 Pullups

Compare to 12.12.17

Icing: Tabata Horizontal PVC Lat Pulldown

We are making final plans for the Christmas party this coming Saturday. This year we are holding “Reindeer Games” as part of the festivities. These are modeled after the “win it in a minute” format. There will be some moderate movement involved but you do not need to be in workout gear. This is all about having fun and will involve everyone unless you do not want to take part.   SO………..if you are going to attend the party and want to participate in the “Reindeer Games” please put your name on the whiteboard in the front room of the gym so that we can get things organized ahead of time.