3.6.2025 SAULTED CINDY   Recently updated !

Austin earning points for his team. 1st Open

Stand Firm Open athletes there is still time to complete your stats, pictures, and bio on your CrossFit page. The Judge’s course remains open until next Wed. A lot of points up for grabs! 25.2 will be released today at 1 pm our time. CrossFit Mayhem, WOD Prep, and CrossFit all produce excellent videos with warm up recommendations and workout recommendations. I will post something from one of them for Friday.

Diaper Drive Due no later than Sunday March 16th. In an effort to balance the diaper drive each team is assigned a size and number along with wipes to achieve for points. Here is how a team earns 20 points total.
2-New born
2 Size 1
2 Size 2
1 Size 3
1 size 4
1 Size 5
2 package of wipes
Teams may exceed this but not for extra points.

2 rounds
6-8 Cal Push Pull
20 Cal Row
10 Goblet Squats
Dynamic Stretch
Push Press
10 empty bar
GHD sit ups or Stick Sit Ups
With a Partner

20 min. AMRAP
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats

Partition the workout with your partner as you wish.
The partner who is not doing CINDY must accumulate as many calories on the Assault Bike as possible.
There are 2 scores for this workout….Total Reps of CINDY and total Calories accumulated on the bike.
Double Under or Crossover practice
KOT Sissy Squats
Sled Pull

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