2024 Stand Firm Cup Champs.
2025 Teams
Chloe/Nina | Matt/Daniel | Cal/Morgan | Tami/Ashley | Cat/Bruce |
Zach A | Tim | Nikki | Lindsey | Tori |
Michelle C | Ben Hochhalter | Gretta | Kyle | Matt Hayes |
Lizzy | Mary Scheihing | Allie Acord | Dan Osborne | Katie Hornbaker |
Carrie | Nate Towne | Kaitlin | Alyssa H | Angela C |
Luis | Mary Beard | Mabon | Jeri | Sarah R |
Mary M | Anna J | Toots | Klint | Garret |
Alyssa L | Austin Reese | |||
CrossFit open teams have been selected. It is clear from the start that this year will be highly competitive! This year we have 2 coaches assigned to each team. Team names are due prior to 3-2-1 GO of the first Friday Night Lights. Week 1 Theme is Red White and Blue. There is still time to sign up and be placed on a team if you want to participate. If you are already signed up, your next task is to complete the 2025 Judges Course. It will take you about 90 minutes and Stand Firm will refund you the $10 course fee.
ROW 500 then,
2 rds
10 Arch Hollow Swings
8 Wall Balls
5 Strict Pullups
Dynamic Stretch
OHS Off the rack
10 on Slant Board
8, 6, (4)2 (3)3 2 second pause on last rep of each set
1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 *
Thrusters 95/65
* After each segment of Thrusters perform 7 T2B
KOT Nordic 20 reps
Couch Stretch 1 min each leg
Sign up and complete Judges Course Everyone should do this! It will improve your overall CrossFit experience.