Friday Night Lights
Each year we celebrate the CrossFit Open beginning February 28th with our own version of Friday Night Lights. We will open at our regular time but the evening classes will consist of several heats so that each athlete can complete the Open workout. As you can see in the picture above, we also have a theme each week. Themes will be released later this week. Even if you are unable to join on Friday night, no problem, the Open workout will be programmed for Friday and we will have options to complete the WOD over the weekend and as late as Friday afternoon. If you have any questions about the CrossFit Open ask a coach. We are here to help answer any questions you may have.
3 rds
8 Cal Push Pull
10 Arch Hollow Swings
10 SDHP with empty bar
Dynamic Stretch
10 Min AMRAP
40 Double-unders
4 Power Snatches
12 Toes to Bar
3 Deadlift
2 Hang Clean
1 Jerk
KOT Nordic
10 Wall Walks