2.5.2025 CF HQ 180702   Recently updated !

A longstanding tradition at Stand Firm CrossFit during the CrossFit Open has been our inhouse competition for the Stand Firm Cup. All you have to do is sign up for the Open. Stand Firm coaches will complete team selection via the draft near the start of the open. Everyone will be able to contribute to their team’s overall score throughout the open. Scoring details will be released soon. One of the highlights of the open are the Friday Night Lights. The gym will open at the usual time on Friday but we will stay open until everyone has completed the WOD. The open WODs can also be completed during regular class times on Friday. You will be challenged in these workouts and supported everyone in the box! The picture above represents 2 cups of my yet to be surpassed record of 3 consecutive wins. I intend to add to my trophy case but the competition will be fierce this year! Start today by signing up!

10 shuttle runs then 2rds of
10 jumping air squats
30 clicks
10 V ups
Dynamic Stretch
Squat Clean
5 Min EMOM
Squat Clean Cycling
Choose a weight and reps for equal work to rest ratio on the minute then
(4) 2
(3) 2
(2) 3 work to a heavy set of 2
7 min AMRAP
200m row
50 double Unders 2/1 singles
(Each round is worth 250 reps)
Reverse Step Ups 20 reps
Ab tabata

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