1.10.2025 ICECYCLE

2 Rounds of 500m Row, 10 Slamball, 10 Push-ups, 10 Good Mornings w/barbell.
Dynamic Stretch

Romanian Deadlift
Pause and hold at the bottom of the rep for 2 complete seconds. Do not let your weights touch the floor until all 10 reps are complete. Maintain great body position…….weight in your heals, flat back,  shoulder blades together, and neutral head position.


For Time:
4 Rounds with a Partner
40 Slamball 40/30
40 GHD Situp
40 Ring Rows
40 Cal Bike

UGO IGO Format.
Athletes can go in any order they wish.
Finish the 40 Reps for a movement before moving on.

Get 20 Ring Dips
KOT – Tib Raises 20 Reps