4.1.2024 WE’RE 10

10 years ago today,

Stand Firm CrossFit officially opened it’s doors. Our records show that we have have 1,378 athletes workout in the box in the last 10 years.  That does include HWY 40 I, V, and IIX participants.   Needless to say we have met and established relationships with many many wonderful people. We have seen some amazing changes in the lives of so many people due to the shared efforts of our CrossFit community and each individual. We have all learned so much about how to live a healthier more active life. We have all gotten so much stronger both physically and mentally.  There is something about the shared suffering that makes CrossFit and this place so successful.   Tami and I, are so grateful for everyone who comes through the door each and everyday.  We want to thank you and all of our coaches, past and present, for for making Stand Firm CrossFit a very special place.

January 2014

February 2014

Angie and PJ….2014

Getting Closer….March 2014

11:00 pm 3.31.2014, We are ready.

This was our first class 4.1.14

1/2 Tabata
KB Swing, Goblet Squat, Handstand Hold
Dynamic Stretch

7 min. to warm-up your Hang Clean for the workout.


For Time:

10 Rounds
10 Wallball 20/14
10 Calorie Bike
10 Hang Cleans 105/75
10 Calorie Row

Time Cap 45 min.

KOT – Reverse Step-up 20 reps each leg.
Do some work on handstand walking.