BECCA takes on 24.3 to provide some feed back to all of us. Thanks Becca.
Here it is the final workout of the 2024 CrossFit OPEN. It is guarateed to challenge everyone who takes it on. This workout has FRAN written all over it. And yes it does have a bit of a roadblock built into it as well. Good Luck everyone and remember to BREATH.
Step 1 – Come in the box and sign-up for a time and lane to do your workout. Do this on the Whiteboard and please use the correct color according the the level of workout that you are going to do. RED-RX, GREEN-SCALED and PURPLE-FOUNDATIONS
Step 2 – Review very carefully the movement standards and the weights the you will use in this workout.
Step 3 – Fill out a Scoresheet (red bucket)
Step 4 – Start your Warm-up at least 15 minutes prior to your GO TIME.
Step 5 – Report to your lane with your scoresheet in hand.
Step 6 – Review with your Judge the level of workout you are doing, establish your pull-ups standards and make sure the barbell has the correct weight on it and available weight for the 2nd half of the workout.
Step 7 – Upon completion of your workout, verify the score that your Judge has for you, take the scoresheet to the white bucket, cut off the bottom, leave the top in the bucket and take the bottom with you.
Step 8 – Submit your score by scanning the QR Code on the scoresheet, this will take you to games web page/your profile page where you can sumbit your score.
Step 9 – Take a turn judging a workout.
5 min. of rowing and push-pulling.
Dynamic Stretch use some Bands for Glute Activation
20 Reps of Thruster gradually building weight to your starting weight.
Do some Ring Swings and some strict pull-ups using the rings.
Do a hand full of Box Jumps at 16″ if you are doing Jumping Pull-ups
WOD: CrossFit OPEN 24.3
For time:
5 Rounds
10 Thrusters
10 C2B Pull-ups
Rest 1 min.
5 Rounds
7 Thrusters
7 Bar Muscle-ups
Time cap: 15 minutes
Rx’d: (Ages 16-54)
Wt. #1 95/65 Wt. #2 135/95
Masters 55+:
Wt. #1 65/45 Pull-ups Wt. #2 95/65 C2B Pull-ups
Teenagers 14-15:
Wt. #1 45/65 Wt. #2 95/65
Scaled: (Ages 16-54)
Wt. #1 65/45 Jumping C2B Pull-ups Wt. #2 95/65 Pull-ups
Scaled: Masters 55+:
Wt. #1 55/35 Jumping C2B Pull-ups Wt. #2 45/65 Pull-ups
Scaled: Teenagers 14-15:
Wt. #1 55/35 Jumping C2B Pull-ups Wt. #2 45/65 Pull-ups