Caption opportunity !!!!!
Jog the Box 3 min.
Group Agility
Dynamic Stretch
For Total Calories Rowed
With a partner, take turns rowing 3 min. For a total of 36 min. (6 times each).
During the 3 min. you are not rowing you must complete
1 Round of:
7 Wallball 20/14
7 Pull-ups
7 Power Snatch 75/55
KOT – Tib Raises 20 Reps
Three important pieces to information reguarding this week’s OPEN Workout and FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS.
#1. To earn your THEME points as a TWIN, you must at some point on Friday, or Sunday stand shoulder to shoulder with your twin at the BOX.
#2. The deadline for the JUDGES COURSE is Wednesday at the end of business. You must bring in your certificate to recieve the 20 points for your team. You will be reimbursed the $10 cost of the class.
#3. Diapers are due in by Friday. Clearly write your name and your team name on the box in bold print that can be easily read. We will stash all the diapers in the office at the BOX.