2.28.2024 LUNA TICKS

Now there is a BURPEE!!!! Great Job Garrett.

Jog the box 4 min. w/footwork.
1/2 Tabata of Shoulder Touches, Walking Lunges, Sit-ups

DB Squat Snatch


For Time:

Buy in – 5 Wallwalks
21-15-9 Reps of
DB Snatch
DB OH Lunge (R+L=2)
Cash out – 10 HSPU

KOT – Reverse Step ups 20 reps each leg.

Stand Firm CrossFit Cup teams will be revealed on tomorrows workout web page.  Review all the ways that you can earn points for your team below.  Last year it came down to 2 points separating the top two teams.  You can do a whole lot for your team without picking up a single weight.