3 min. Jog the Box with footwork
2 Rounds of Snatch Warm-up
Dynamic Stretch
Squat Snatch
Primer 1 – Snatch Grip Deadlift 5 Reps EMOM for 4 Min.
Primer 2 – Snatch Panda Pull 4 reps EMOM for 4 min.
Primer 3 – Panda Pull/Squat Snatch 2 Reps EMOM for 4 min.
Squat Snatch (2)4
WOD: OPEN 13.2
10 min. AMRAP
5 S2OH 115/75
10 Deadlift 115/75
15 Box Jumps 24/20
RX – 115/75, Box Height 24/20
55+ – 95/55, Box Height 20/20
Icing: Mobility and Goals
Today we will asses your Weight, Inches and Body Fat. We hope that you have layed down some new habits when it comes to what you put in your mouth each day. Remember, “You can CrossFit/Workout all day long but if you eat processed and sugar layden foods your spinning your wheels. 80% of your fitness is what you put in your mouth.”