1.3.2023 Hero WOD “THE DON”


Background: U.S. Marine Corporal Donald M. Marler, 22, of St. Louis, MO, assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, based in Camp Pendleton, CA, died on June 6, 2010 while supporting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan.

He is survived by his mother Susan, his father David Sr., his sister Jennifer Pupillo, and his brothers David Jr. and Jacob.

“The Don” Hero WOD was first posted on the CrossFit Main Site as the workout of the day for Wednesday, September 11, 2013 (130911).

5 min Row


For Time:

66 Deadlifts 110/55                  66 Pull-ups
66 Box Jumps 24/20                 66 Thrusters 55/35
66 KB Swings 55/35                 66 Wallballs 20/14
66 Knees to Elbows                   66 Burpees
66 Sit-ups                                   66 Double-unders 2/1 singles

Time Cap 50 min.

Athletes can work through this workout in any order. You must complete all 66 reps required for a movement before moving on. Athletes may also pair up and complete the workout as a partner WOD.

KOT – Nordic 10 Reps
Get 30ft of handstand walking

A look at this years CLEAN EATING CHALLENGE (CEC 24.1)

The 21-Day SFXF Clean Eating Challenge

While it takes 21 days to form a habit, it also takes 21 days to break a habit. So why not spend the next 21 days taking the SFXF Clean Eating Challenge for a healthier and happier you!

  • No dairy: This includes milk, butter, cream, yogurt, ice cream, and cheese. This is just for 21 days. Slowly bring them back into your diet as your digestive system adjusts. Try Oat Milk or Almond Milk as an alternative.
  • No starches: This includes corn products, white potatoes, rice, and bread. Try cauliflower by processing it and spicing it up.
  • No processed foods: If it comes in the freezer section or in a box, don’t eat it. Whenever food is refined or processed, the natural fiber is taken out of it. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body can’t digest. Fiber helps regulate the body’s use of sugars, helping to keep hunger and blood sugar in check. Avoid all nitrates that can be found in bacon and sausage. Grass-fed and without nitrates is best.
  • No grains: Not even corn. Wheat has gluten and all grains have a very high glycemic index – which means that these foods carry sugar too rapidly into the bloodstream, causing a spike and a crash.
  • No alcohol: Avoid booze completely during the challenge. Beer and wine will taste that much better after 21 days.
  • Eat protein: Try to focus on moderate to high animal protein. Eat a variety of poultry, seafood, red meats, and eggs…grass-fed if possible. For vegetarians, you can substitute beans and legumes, black beans, white beans, lentils, chickpeas, hummus, and green peas.
  • Eat vegetables: Eat as many and as much fresh or frozen vegetables you want. Go organic if you can.
  • Eat fruit and fruit juices: If you are trying to lose weight, limit your intake. Go for organic juices. Non-blends with no added sugars. It’s better if you juice it yourself.
  • Cook with high-quality oils: Good oils are coconut and organic olive oil. Avoid corn, cottonseed, peanut, soybean, rice bran, and wheat germ oils. Avoid any foods made with these oils.
  • Sea salt: Do not use iodized salt. Go for unrefined sea salt. A good sea salt should be coarse and grey in color.