Bird and Bunny
2 rounds of 10 Calorie Push Pull, 10 ATG Lunges, 20 Roll-ups and 15 Air Squats
Dynamic Stretch
Seated Good Morning / Reverse Hyper
18 min. AMRAP
Teams of 3
90 Thrusters 65/45
70 Thrusters 95/65
50 Thrusters 135/95
Max Thruster 165/115
EMOM 9/7 T2B (Starting on minute 1 athletes must complete 9/7 T2B on the minute)
Each athlete will go for 6 minutes. Athlete #2 will start with T2B at the start for the 7th minute and then will continue doing Thrusters where Athlete #1 finished. Athlete #3 will start with T2B at the start of the 13th minute and then will continue doing Thrusters from where Athlete #2 left off.
Teams can set up two bars for this workout.
Your 1% in 2 min.
KOT – Tib Raises 20 Reps each leg.
Dedhang for 90 seconds.
Straddle on the Wall Stretch 3 min.