10.5.2023 RAT RACE


5 min. Bike or Row
Dynamic Stretch

OH Squat
10/30    8/35    6/40
(3/50)2   Pause Squat   (Hold 2 seconds at the bottom of the movement)
(2/40)2   Double Bounce Squat


20 min. Time Cap

For Total Distance with a partner

Partners will work at accumulating as many miles on their bike as possible while working to complete all movements required in the time allotted. Teams can go in any order they wish, but they must complete the reps for each exercise before moving on to another.

50 Box Jumps 24/20
50 Power Snatches 95/65
50 KB Swings 55/35
10 Rope Climbs (Scale with Pull off the floor 3/1)
10 Ring Muscle-ups (scale with Jumping Bar Muscle-up 3/1)

If the work described above is completed partners should focus on coordinating and maximizing the work on the bike until time runs out.

Your 1% in 2 min.
KOT – Reverse Nordic 20 Reps
Deadhang for 90 seconds.