3.13.2023 I LUV 13

Cutting it awefully close DAVE!!!!

2 Rounds of 500m Row followed by 2 rounds of CINDY.
Dynamic Stretch

1 Round of the Clean Warm-up
3 Position Squat Cleans (Bottom to Top)
2 Reps EMOM for 5 Min.
1 Reps EMOM for 5 min.


13 min. AMRAP
13 HR Push-ups
13 Med-Ball Cleans 20/14
13 Mt. Climbers (R+L=1)
Rest 1 min.
Max Effort Pull-ups (When you came off the bar you’re done. Scale with Ring Rows, when your body pikes you’re done)

Athletes will have two scores today.

Write up your GOALS, (at least two), on the Garage Door.  Also write up something that you will do everyday that will help you get to your goal. What small, (atomic if you will), incremental steps can you take each day you are in the gym. An example would be: 5 HSPU each day add 1 each month, and your HSPU’s will get better.
KOT – Tib Raises 20 reps each leg