4:30 Going after their CEC22.1 score.
3 rounds of 10 Each
Reverse Hyper, Arch Hollow Swings, Burpee
Dynamic Stretch
2 Rounds of Snatch Warm-up
Snatch (Power or Squat your Choice)
For Time:
4 Rounds
15 Bar Facing Burpee
10 Power Snatch 95/65
5 Bar Muscle-ups
CEC22.1 Participants Body Composition Assesment
KOT – Tib Raises
KOT – Reverse Sled Pull
Today we conclude the Clean Eating Challenge for 2022. It has been a fast seven weeks that found you, eating lots of fresh veggies, meat, nuts and seeds some fruit and starch, NO Sugar, and avoiding processed foods at every turn. We hope that you have learned and developed some skills that will help you to continue good eating habits from here on. It will be exciting to see the results of your efforts.