2.28.2022 POST CEC22.1

Bruce and Chad take on CrossFit OPEN 22.1

1/2 Tabata
KB Swing, Step-ups, GPU
Dynamic Stretch


For Total Reps:
4 min. Max Calorie Row
15 sec. Rest
3 min. Max Reps KB Swing 55/35
15 sec. Rest
2 min. Max Reps Box Jump 24/20
15 Sec. Rest
1 min. max. Reps Thruster 95/65

CEC.22.1 Participants, it is important use the exact same set-up that you used on Jan. 10th.

Front Squat / Back Squat
Do the first 2 sets on the Slant Boards.

Record your POST CEC22.1″ Workout results on your scoresheet.
KOT – Reverse Sled Pull

STAND FIRM CrossFit Cup Participants

Congratulations on a great opening weekend to the CrossFit OPEN.  Friday Night Lights was a great time.  If you were there, (5 points for your team).  Everyone was giving it there all and everyone was encouraging each other to do amazing things.  Thank you to everone who served as a Judge, (that’s 1 point for your team), great job everyone for showing up in THEME, (that’s 2 points for your team).   Make Sure you submit CrossFit OPEN 22.1 score, (1point for team). They must be submitted no later than 5 PM today. 

Our Theme for CrossFit OPEN Workout 22.2 is very simple…..PLAID FLANAL….The more the better.  Remember the rule states that your THEME must be, “DISTINCT AND OBVIOUS”.  You may need to help a teammate out on this one.  Communicate with each other and help each other out.  If you don’t have any PF, ask, if you have lots of PF, share with a teammate.