7.6.2021 LUR


Special workout today for a very special lady. We are calling it “LUR”, and it is inspired one of Lur’s favorite sayings,
“If your going to be stupid you better be tough!”

Run or Row 800m.
2 Rounds of Cindy
Dynamic Stretch

Strict Press from Behind the Neck
Pause at the bottom


For Total Reps:
4 Rounds
1 min. Max Effort Calorie Bike
1 min. Max Effort Slamball 30/20
1 min. Max Effort Double Taps
1 min. Max Effort Deadlift 135/95
1 min. Rest

All athletes will start on the bike and proceed through the workout in order.
There will be 15 seconds of transistion time between the 1 minute max efforts.

Double Taps are a modifiction for Double Unders. You must jump off the ground and slap the sides of your thighs twice for RX. This is way tougher than it looks.

Watch the video below to see more. The Double Taps are at the 1:50 min. mark.

KOT – Reverse Step-up 20 Reps Each Leg