2.5.2021 AMARILLO

2 Rounds of Row 500m, 10 KB Swing, 10 KB SDLHP, 10 KB Snatch
Dynamic Stretch

Strength: SDLHP
10      8      6      4      3      (2)2


4 min. AMRAP:
24/18 Cal Row
24 Alt. DB Snatch 50/35
24 Thursters 75/55
Rest 4 min
4 min. AMRAP:
18/14 Cal Row
18 Alt. DB Snatch
18 Thrusters
Rest 4 min
4 min. AMRAP:
12/9 Cal Row
12 Alt. DB Snatch
12 Thrusters

Score each AMRAP by Rounds and Reps. If you do not finish a complete round score reps only for that AMRAP. Score might look like this: 61 / 1+14 / 2+2.

Mobility – Cow Face 2 min. ES