1.25.2021 THE TEENAGER

Grinch Toast…really good.

Jog the box 4 min w/footwork.
Dynamic Stretch

Strength: Strict Press
10/40    8/50    6/60    4/70    3/80    2/90


For Total Reps:

4 min. AMRAP
13 Wallball 20/14
13 T2B

Rest 2 min.

4 min. AMRAP
13 Cal Bike
13 Cal Row

Rest 2 min.

4 min. AMRAP
13 Hang Snatch 75/55
13 Lateral Bar Burpee

Athletes start with the couplet you want then stay in order.
Take your chips with you when you rotate at the end of 4 min.

3 x 15 Reverse Hyper

CEC 21.1 Participants:  Be sure to turn in your WEEK 2 scoresheets and pick up your WEEK 3 scoresheet.