1.24.2021 CEC 21.2 Q&A


CEC 21.1 WEEK 2 is in the books….

Here are some of the questions that presented themselves during Week 2.

Q – Can I eat something that shows that it contains sugar on the ingredient label?
AFirst, ADDED SUGAR is a no no.  Foods that contain dates, and real fruit will indicate that they have sugar content.  This is ok because it is naturally occurring sugar.  That doesn’t mean that you should go crazy eating lots of LARA Bars and Fruit.  Moderation is the way to treat these foods.

Q – What are some snacks that I can eat during the day?  I’m going to get tired of carrot sticks and celery.
AClick HERE for an article that will give you some snack ideas.  They may look great but this is where you start to spend big money.  A piece of fruit, some celery with almond butter will satisfy you and they don’t break the bank.

Q – We are two weeks into this clean eating challenge and I’m getting burned out on the BIG OL’ SALAD.  Can you help me?
AThis clean eating business is a process.  Your body is going through adaptation which is often difficult. Part of the adaptation is physiological, your body learning to run on a different source of fuel.  Part of the adaptation is psychological, your desire for the old foods is very strong and you have to overcome it.  You must go through this challenge one day at a time, while keeping focused on your long term fitness goals.  Back to the BIG OL’ SALAD.  Click HERE for some fantastic Whole 30 Salad ideas.

Q – Do you post any kind of results during the course of CEC 21.1?
AWe post current results/standings on Thursday each week on the whiteboard in the front room.  You can see where you stand in comparison to the rest of the group.  If you see a yellow highlight in one of the squares next to your name you are missing something, ie. scoresheet not turned in, fee not payed, etc.  If you detect an error in your score please let Cal know.

Q – Will my scoresheet(s) be returned to me?
A – Scoresheets are kept in the office until the end of the challenge.  You are welcome to look at yours, just ask Cal or Tami.

Q – I did not get my 2 Goals and 2021 Word written on the garage door last week.  I know I lost out on bonus points but should I still write them up?
AA goal that is written down has a greater chance for success. A goal that is written down in a public setting has an even greater chance for success.  Write them on the garage door!!!!!

CEC 21.1 Heads UP

There will be a partner WOD on February 25th.  You need to perform the workout with your CEC 21.1 partner.  So start making plans now.