1.17.2021 CEC 21.1 Q&A



We always get questions about various things when the Clean Eating Challenge takes off. We will try and post some of the questions along with the answers each Sunday. If you have more questions don’t hesitate to ask during the week and we will then post those questions on Sunday because others probably have the same question.

Q – Can I use Protien Powder during the challenge?
A Yes. It cannot contain more that 1 gram of sugar per serving. There are some out there, but you may have to look hard to find them. For the most part, if they are flavored, they will contain more than a gram of sugar or sugar substitute.

Q – Can I eat Oatmeal during the challenge?
A Yes. As long as the oatmeal contains no more than 1 gram of sugar per serving.

Q – Is weight loss going to be a factor in determining the winners of CEC 21.1?
A Not directly, but it will factor into your Body Composition Assessment in the end. Most will lose some weight others may stay the same or even gain weight, but everyone will more than likely reduce body fat.

Q – Should I be concerned with how many calories I am eating each day?
A If you are eating very clean, you really do not need to count calories. Remeber, Eat Real Food/(Clean Eating), Not Too Much/(Portion Control), and  NO Sugar. If you abide by these three things you do not need to count calories.

Q – Can I use SALAD DRESSING that has sugar in it?
A Yes. According to the rules we are allowing you to put any dressing you want on your BIG OL’ SALAD.  There are, however, a couple Salad Dressings out there that meet the Clean Eating Criteria. They are TESSEMMEE and PRIMAL KITCHEN. We allow these dressings because they at WHOLE 30 approved.  You can find TESSEMMEE just inside City Market to your right, near the Naked Juice.  PRIMAL KITCHEN is available at Costco and Whole Foods.

QCan I eat protien bars during the challenge?
AOnce again it has to do with how much sugar the food item contains. If you need to eat a bar of some kind as a snack we allow LARA BAR and RX BAR. There is a limitation however. The allowed LARA and RX bars cannot contain peanut butter or chocolate.

Q – How do I earn bonus points during the challenge?
AWe try to reward those of you that are paying attention to every detail.  If you keep up on the information we post on the website each day you’ll catch on to bonus point opportunities. So lets try it now!!!! To earn 5 bonus points for your team, text a photo of the BIG OL’SALAD you eat today, (Sunday, Jan 17th), to 303.775.4481. So that we know it is today’s salad, you will need show today’s date in the photo somehow as well as your name. Let your partner know about the Bonus Point Opportunity and you can earn up to 10 total points for your team. Deadlline for this Bonus Point Opportunity is 9 pm Sunday Jan 17th.