1.14.2021 SHARK TANK



Stand Firm CrossFit is excited to announce that we have invited Mark Knight to put on an “OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING CLINIC”, for us on Saturday, January 30th.  The cost is $20, which is more than reasonable.  Please sign-up on the whiteboard in the front room of the gym.



Row or Bike for 5 min.
Progressivly faster each minute.
Increase your WATT output every minute over the 5 minutes.
Dynamic Stretch

Skills and Practice:
20 minutes to work on your Goats and or to learn a new skill.
Come in today with intention to get better at something.


6 min. AMRAP
42 Double Unders
30 Push Press 95/65
18 Toes-to-Bar

5 min. Rest

6 min. AMRAP
21 Double Unders
15 Push Press 115/85
9 Toes-to-Bar

11 Simple Ways to Start Clean Eating Today

Click Here to read more.  There are some good ideas in this article that may help you on your Clean Eating journey.

FYI: OPEN GYM returns on Saturday, Jan 16th.  We will be open from 9 to 10:30 am.