Warm-up: Grab a plate and a fork and dive in.
For Total Points
45 min. AMPAS
Appetizers (1 point per Rep)
Sit-ups / Push-ups / Air Squats / Lunges / Hollow Rocks / Double Unders
Side Dish (4 points per Rep)
Box Jumps / Burpee / Pull-ups / T2B / Slamball / Wallball / KB Swings
Main Course (Points vary for each exercise.)
Deadlift / Power Clean / Power Snatch / Thruster / HSPU / Bar Muscle-up / Ring Muscle-up
Desert (2 points per Calorie)
Row for Calorie / Bike for Calorie
If you scale a movement or weight the point value for that exercise is cut by 50%.
At the end of the workout you will have earned a certain number of points. Those points equal the total number of calories that you can consume at your Thanksgiving Dinner. If you want to have that extra piece of pie you better get after the “TURKEY DAY BUFFET”.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving with family and Friends