Elizabeth and Maggie
5 min. AMRAP
8 Wallball, 10 Sit-ups, 12 Arch Hollow Swings
Dynamic Stretch
Strength: Split Jerk (OTR)
4 Reps EMOM for 5 min.
Work on a long/wide split during this segment.
Keep weight on the light side.
3 Reps EMOM for 5 min.
Build weight but preserve the length and width
you worked on during the previous 5 min.
For Time:
4 Rounds
21 Wallball 20/14
15 GHD Sit-ups
9 C2B Pull-ups
4 sets of 15 Reverse Hyper.
Schedule Changes for Thanksgiving Week:
Monday – Wednesday: Normal Hours of Operation
Thanksgiving Day: One Class Only…..7:15 AM.
Friday: 7am, 8:15am, 4:30pm and 5:30pm