2 rounds of BBWU
10 Each of: Deadlift, Hang Clean, Front Squat, Push Press, Good Morning
Dynamic Stretch
Snatch Deadlift on Riser
3 Reps EMOM for 5 min. at 100+% of Snatch 1RM
Snatch Deadlift
2 Reps EMOM for 5 min. at 110+% of Snatch 1RM
For Total Reps:
3 min. Max Effort Row for Calorie
Rest 1 min.
3 min. Max Effort Weighted Sit-ups with 30/20 Slamball
Rest 1 min.
3 min. Max Effort OH Walking Lunges with 35/25 Plate
Rest 1 min.
3 min. Max Effort Ring Row
Rest 1 min.
3 min. Max Effort Bike for Calorie
Athletes, start where you want then stay in prescribed order.
Deadhang 2 min.
Vote for the day you want the weightlifting clinic to be held.
We are inside of a month away from the Stand Firm CrossFit hike. Below is some information on “THE HIKE”.

Valuable Information

The destination
The route.