Mary in her happy place.
5 Min Row
2 Rounds of BBWU4C or BBWU4S
Dynamic Stretch
Power Snatch or Power Clean & Jerk
Wave 1 – 4/50 3/55 2/60
Wave 2 – 4/55 3/60 2/65
Wave 3 – 4/60 3/65 2/70
Athletes, use the strength portion of today’s workout to determine your WOD weight. Just because you can put 135/95 over your head does not mean that you should use 135/95 for today’s WOD
WOD: Isabel or Grace
Athletes, choose one of the following Workouts.
For Time:
30 Reps 135/95
Isabel is Snatches
Grace is Clean and Jerk
Use a weight that will allow you to complete the workout between 3 and 6 minutes.
Foam Roll your Hamstrings