Gus and NINA
2 Times Through
200m Run or Row
3 Rounds of Cindy
Dynamic Stretch
OH Squat (OTR)
5 (4)2 (3)3
3 min to Complete
15-9-6 Reps of:
HR Push-ups and Deadlift 185/125
2 min. Rest
3 min. to Complete
15-9-6 Reps of:
Air Squat and C2B Pull-ups
2 min. Rest
3 min. to Complete
15-9-6 Reps of:
Calorie Bike and Slamball 30/20
Score is total reps finished during each 3 min. work period. (180 reps are possible over the course of the 9 min. of work.)
Athletes can start with whatever couplet they want, but then stay in the order as listed above.
If an athlete finishes the 15-9-6 reps before the 3 min. work period ends, they have earned rest.
Athletes clean equipment during the rest period.
2 min. Deadhang
Accumulate 30′ fo handstand walking or 2 min of handstand holds
For time:
30 HR Push-ups
30 Air Squats
30 Pull-ups
30 G2OH w/odd object
400m Run
Hey Stand Firm CrossFit family we need to lend a hand to one of our members. We Kristen Weniger is undergoing chemo-therapy as part of her cancer treatments. It would be a great help to her if we could provide “single serving” freezer meals to help reduce her burden. If would like to help simply bring a “single serving”, (a meal for a single person), to the gym and leave it in the freezer. We will then make sure that the meal gets to Kristen. When you place the meal in the freezer write your name on the page on the freezer door.