5.16.2020 REST DAY


No OPEN GYM today.  We are still restricted by the powers to be as to how many we can have in the gym.  If you have been in this week the rest will do you good. 

We are two weeks away from our 7th Annual Hero WOD “Murph” workout.  We are planning on hosting the event.  So save that morning (30th) for a great time.  Big Mike is going to provide breakfast for the participants.  We will be asking that you let us know if you plan on attending.  That way we have a feel for how much food is needed.

We will continue to require that you sign-up for class next week.  We cannot have more that 8 athletes in attendance for a class.  Please text Tami to let her know what class you want to attend.  The 6 am class is usually full or very close to full. The 7 and 8:15 am classes almost always have an open slot or two.  In the afternoon the 4:30 class is usually full and the 5:30 and 6:30 classes have space.