5.4.2020 PONY RIDE

Here we go…time to get back to work.  The theme for the week will be “BACK IN THE SADDLE”.  Today we start out with a PONY RIDE….a real gentle pony ride.  For most of us it has been nearly 2 months since we had our hands on a barbell.  Your body is not ready for a lot of weight and, for sure, it is not ready for a lot of volume.  Don’t let your mind get ahead of you.  Please be very conservative when it comes to the amount of weight you lift this week.  You are going to get sore…lets keep it in the good sore category not the debilitating sore category.  

Tami and I want to thank all of you who kept your membership current during the shut down.  We want to thank everyone who participated in the CrossFit Fundraiser.  We have been able to pay the bills and are certain that we can keep the old STAND FIRM ship afloat.  We look forward to welcoming everyone back and rekindling the great relationships we have built over the past 7 years.  We also look forward to making Stand Firm CrossFit a place you love to come to and your time here the best hour of your day.

Below I have have posted our guidelines for the next couple weeks, or until we are allowed to return to more normal operations.  I have made a couple additions in response to situations as they arise.  Please go to the bottom of the page and review the information.

3 rounds of 10 each Air Squats, Sit-ups, Push-ups.
Dynamic Stretch.

Front Squat (OTG)
Build weight over the course of the 4 sets.


8 min. AMRAP
7 Front Squat
7 Hang Power Clean
7 Calorie Row

Clean and Sanitize your Equipment

We ask that you review the information below closely.  It is important that we all work hard at following the recommendations listed below.  Our goal is to provide a great environment despite the limitations placed on us.

Because we are very limited on the number of athletes
who can attend each class, we ask that you sign-up for class in advance. Due to the limited numbers we ask that you only sign-up for one day at a time rather than several days or a week of classes in advance.  This will give others a chance to get in on a class.  You may need to attend class at a time that is new to you.  Look at the bright side you may meet some new friends.
We will do our best to let you know if a class is full or not.  More in this below.

Class Schedule

Monday – 5:45 am, 7 am, 8:15 am, 4:30 pm, 5:30 pm, 6:30 pm

Tuesday – 6 am, 7 am, 8:15 am, 4:30 pm, 5:30 pm, 6:30 pm

Wednesday – 6 am, 7 am, 8:15 am, 4:30 pm, 5:30 pm, 6:30 pm

Thursday – 5:45 am, 7 am, 8:15 am, 4:30 pm, 5:30 pm, 6:30 pm

Friday – 6 am, 7 am, 8:15 am, 4:30 pm, 5:30 pm

Re-Opening Guidelines……Points of Emphisis

  • If you are sick please do not come to the gym.

  • If you are uncomfortable with the current circumstances, we ask that you do not come to the gym. “At Home Workouts” will be posted each day alongside the workouts that are going on at the gym.

  • You must sign-up in advance if you want to attend class. You must text Tami at 303.775.4481 before 9 pm if you plan on attending a morning class, or you must text before noon if you plan on coming to one of the afternoon classes.  We are limited to 8 athletes per class so it is a first come first serve situation.  In your text, include your name and the time you wish to attend.  Tami will respond with a thumbs up or a thumbs down.  If you get a thumbs down you are welcome to sign up for a different time.

  • Classes will start on time; we ask that you be in the gym ready to work when class starts.

  • If you arrive early to the box, we ask that you remain outside until your class time.

  • Please do not wear your street shoes into the workout areas.  Change into your workout shoes once you get in the Gym.

  • Athletes and Coaches should wash their hands prior to and after class.

  • Class activity will be 45 minutes in duration, allowing 15 min at the end of class to sanitize equipment.

  • Athletes will maintain 6 ft. spacing between each other at all times.

  • 4 Athletes only, are allowed in each of the gym’s workout rooms.

  • Facial coverings, (a mask), is recommended but not required of Athletes and Coaches.

  • Athletes should not share equipment at any time.

  • No Chalk will be provided to athletes or coaches. You can bring your own chalk if you wish.

  • Athletes should be prepared to do outdoor workouts. Please wear appropriate clothing.

  • Upon conclusion of your workout and cleaning your equipment we ask that you exit the building ASAP. If you want to visit with others, we ask that you do it outside and maintain your 6 ft. spacing.

This is going to be a challenging time for Athletes and Coaches alike.  We ask that everyone cooperate with the information above.  Our hope is that we can get past this rough patch with a minimum of problems.

If you have questions or concerns please give Cal a call at 303.921.6394.