We delivered the Diaper Drive Diapers to Mary and Mia today. Wow is she a cutie. It is going to be awesome when we all get back together with Mia swinging from the pull-up bar. Thank You to those of you who contributed diapers Mary and Mia were both very grateful to the Stand Firm Family.
1.) Shuttle run 50′ feet 6 times
2.) 10 jump squats
3.) Shuttle run 50′ feet 6 times
4.) 10 jump squats
5.) Dynamic stretch ( incorporate some back bridges )
For Time
30 Pull-ups
100 Du / or 200 clicks
70 KB Swings (choose your weight)
50 DB OH squats (choose your weight)
Get creative for the KB swings if you don’t have a KB.
Use a truck tailgate for pull-ups.
swing a five gallon bucket for KB’s.
milk jugs.
Mobility: LAX Ball work for back.