2.5.2020 BARBADOS

Warm-up: Coaches Choice

Strength: Deficit Deadlift / Deadlift
2 sets of 8 Reps of Deficit Deadlift
3 Sets of 5 Reps of Deadlift
Build your weight over the course of the 5 sets.


9 min. AMRAP
2 Ring Muscle-up
4 Deadlift 225/155
6 Strict Handstand Push-ups

Icing: Tabata Assault Bike

For CEC20.1 Bonus points this week you will need to click HERE, and read the short article regarding, “Self-Defeating CrossFit Athlete”.  After reading the article WRITE up  your answer to the following  question and turn it in by the end of business on Friday.  There will be a box in the front room to drop your answer in.  Your answer can earn up to 5 bonus points.

Here is the Question: Where do you see yourself in this article? Explain why.