8.7.2019 SMOKE ALARM

*Special Event Thursday Night*  
Jesus In and Out of the Box – Stories from the Middle East
It started with a dream.  
A dream of opening a CrossFit box, centered on Jesus, in the most un-reached nation of the world.
Come hear stories and be encouraged with what God has been doing in the Middle East despite overwhelming odds. 
Consider joining the journey forward to reshape a nation.
Where: Stand Firm CrossFit
When: 7:30 pm Thursday Evening

Allie, Tori and Lur

Warm-up: Coaches Choice

Strength: Thrusters / Pull-ups / Burpees
2+2+2 EMOM for 8 min.
This is your warm-up for the WOD. Build your thruster weight and determine any scale you might use for push-ups.


Icing: Iron Scap “DO IT”