Nice Treads……….this little gal is ready for the OPEN…….. NO BULL!!!!!!  So that begs the question……Are you signed up for the CrossFit OPEN?  Get involved, join your box-mates, get in on the fun, time is running out.  We need you to get registered by the end of the day so that we can get our teams set for the Stand Firm CrossFit Cup. Click HERE to get registered for this years CrossFit OPEN !!!!

Warm-up: Jog the box 4 min. Group Agility. Dynamic Stretch

Strength: Strict Pull-ups / GHD Sit-ups
Warm-up your Clean & Jerk between sets of Pull-ups etc.


For time:
Row 500 Meters
20 Clean & Jerk 95/65
Row 1000 Meters
15 Clean & Jerk 125/85
Row 1500 Meters
10 Clean & Jerk 135/95

Icing: Accumulate 30ft. of Handstand Walking