11.19.2018 NONSENSE

Party Time…. Can you believe it is time for Secret Santa!!!!!
Sign up on the whiteboard in the gym if you want to be part of this year’s Secret Santa gift exchange. ($20 limit)
Deadline to sign-up is Friday. We will then secretly match everyone up and let you know who you are giving to by next Monday.

Warm-up: Coaches Choice

Strength: Deadlift / GHD Sit-up
Do a couple warm-up sets prior to the sets of 3.


18 Min. AMRAP
With a partner:
10 Deadlift 225/155
10 Ft. Handstand Walk (=2 Reps)
10 Burpee OYP (Over Your Partner)
10 Ft. Handstand Walk (=2 Reps)
Breakup as needed.
Scale Handstand Walk with Partner holding PVC at your ankles or Wheel Barrow or both partners do a 10′ Bear Crawl.

Icing: Pigeon on wall for 3 min each side.