
Clean Eating Challenge….Knowledge Challenge Question #2.

Carefully watch the video posted on the Clean Eating Challenge Page, then each member of your team must text me the answer to 1 of the questions.  Team members can work together on this but, each team member must send a text to 303.921.6394  from their phone with the correct answer to one question only.  And of course that question is different from his/her teammates. If you have a team of 4 you must answer all 4 questions. Teams of 3 must answer 3 questions correctly.  If you get all, (3 or 4), questions correct you will have earned 10 bonus points for your team.  Those points will be added to your team score at the end of the challenge.

Warm-up: 3 Rounds of 10 Each Partner Wallball, Side Toss, Situps. Dynamic Stretch

Strength: OH Squat 5@40% 5@50% 5@60


10 Rounds for time:
3 OH Squat 105/75
5 Rack Lunges 105/75
7 V-Sits

Icing: Parallet Handstand work and Hand Stand push ups if you have them.